My Commitment & Goals
My commitment to you is first and foremost to listen, I take seriously the trust that is placed in me by the electorate. My role as a trustee is to reflect the community's needs to the best of my ability - parents, students, employees and the community at large. I have worked collaboratively with our students, parents, broader community and staff over the past terms and hope to continue this work. As such, the goals that I personally have are those that I have heard from community members:
1) That, with all partners, we continue to work together to bring our EQAO results up so that they become some of the best results in the province. That we continue to work on strategies that serve all of our students in the provincial testing. That we help students to have the knowledge to move their scores up from 3 to 4 but also from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3.
2) That Engagement with our parents, students, staff and community becomes a top priority for our Board. and plans are implemented to include our stakeholders in public education and the WRDSB
3) That we continue to insure that all students, staff and community have a safe, respectful and welcoming environment to learn, work, volunteer and visit at the WRDSB
4) That we continue to develop first nations education and policies to best serve all students.
5) That we continue to insure that all students learn to the very best of their abilities and that we continue to work with community partners to provide supports that we cannot provide.
6 That our strategic plan update this year engages the community in public education and more fully reflects the community in which we provide quality education.
7) That we successfully implement fair and equitable hiring practices for staff and that we are known as leaders in equity and inclusion policies and practices in the province for our students, staff and community.
8) We successfully implement the accessibility policies to insure that our system is safe and welcoming for all.
9) We continue to build equity and inclusion for all students and staff within our board - so all feel understood & welcome
Experience in Education & WRDSB
Experience in Community